Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wednesday's Brian Teaser

Business Trivia...

(1) What was the first business that started serving coffee in portable, Styrofoam cups? Name the city where it happened.
(2) In 1996, what company overtook Coke as being the most popular company in the world?
(3) American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by doing what? (I found this interesting...)
(4) What is your favorite fast-food restaurant? Why?

Thanks for playing!


  1. 1) Didn't happen. Nobody has ever had coffee in a "Styrofoam" cup because styrofoam is a trademarked product of the Dow Chemical Company and they do not make cups, plates, or anything that can hold coffee. What people think is a "Styrofoam" cup is actually a polystyrene cup.

    2) McDonald's

    3) They removed one olive from every salad.

    4) Extreme Pita at Crossroads Mall and you know why!!!

  2. In my first question, I was actually referring to how Starbucks was originally born in Seattle, Washington. Perhaps "Styrofoam" was not the right word. I had a guest professor for one of my classes and he taught on how Starbucks was born (as an example of thinking outside the box). The owner wanted to serve "coffee on the go" and a cultural staple was born.

    The other answers are correct. I found the olive answer funny and you know that I do miss the Extreme Pita, Jim!

  3. I was just having fun with ya on the first question Brian since I found the Dow Chemical thing to be kinda funny when researching the answer. We drink coffee in what I always figured was styrofoam cups at church every week. I wouldn't have figured the answer was Starbucks, but then again I never drink their coffee (I'm a Caribou fan).

    Taco Bell was a close second to Extreme Pita for my fast food favorite!
