Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday's Brian Teaser

How many common words of four letters or more can you make from the letters in the following word? (You may use each letter only once in each word)


Prize to the winner!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Yesterday's Speaker

We had a great service yesterday. Matt Guevara gave life to a familiar story (prodigal son) and many people were challenged by what he said. He concluded his message with the Phil Wickhem's song, Home. I was blessed by what he said and I was honored to minister along with him.

Aside from his great speaking ability, he has rallied a bunch of professionals to write a book called What Matters Now. You can download it for free (click on the link) and read all the views and outstanding points that surround kid's ministry. Brianne wrote an article on empowerment. It is outstanding!

I wonder if worship leaders could do something similar. Could we put together "What Matters To Worship Now?" I think that project would be amazing, meaning, and bless many churches. I would love to hear from different worship leaders all around the country.

For now, enjoy Matt's project. The book is phenomenal!