Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday's Brian Teaser

Random Trivia...

(1) How many hours does it take for a typical 14.5 ounce Yankee candle to burn out?
(2) True or False - Your toothpaste container says that you should call poison control if you accidentally swallow more toothpaste than used for brushing. Additional thoughts?
(3) Finally, your opinion - who makes the best coffee: Folders, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, or Caribou?

More than one can answer and thanks for playing!


  1. 1. 65-90 hours
    2. True. It's due to the fluoride.
    3. Coffee is coffee...the only way I'll drink it is if it has my homemade hot chocolate mix in it as well! :)

  2. Nice job, Lisa. You are correct! You make homemade hot chocolate mix? Sounds tasty!!!
