Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday's Brian Teaser

I had a real interesting discussion in class this week and I am interested to hear some input (more than one reply's are welcome).

(1) When is it NOT appropriate to do a song in a worship service? What about a song that was written by someone who fell into sin?
(2) As it pertains to worship, what do you think of when you hear the word Emerging?
(3) How does a church in South Korea typically start a church service? (I think the answer to this question is awesome)

Thanks for digging deep with me!


  1. 1) (a)I'd say if it is inappropriate in any way or sung/performed in a manner that doesn't bring glory to God; (b) Every song ever written came from a sinner. We all sin as its our human nature. How can I judge a song and its creator when I have my own set of hurts, habits and hangups? I have zero problem singing a song written by someone who fell into sin as I'm a sinner too and its the song that brings the glory to God, not the writer.

    2) I think of something that may have been a trend that is now becoming more mainstream. An "emerging" style of worship, for example.

    3) I found a few answers that differed based on the church. How about communal prayer where everyone prays at the same time, out loud, which can include groaning, crying, jumping up and down, shouting for joy, etc.?

  2. Great answers, Jim! You are absolutely correct on all answers. My class come to the same consensus that you stated in your first answer. Also, a number of my classmates are from South Korea. They explained that they start their services with everyone demonstratively praying out loud in one voice. I would think that would be pretty awesome to see everyone calling out to God with their own prayers to start a service. Imagine the passion and energy directed upwards to God!

  3. Brian - We need to take a road trip to South Korea and go to church there!!!
