Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday's Brian Teaser

Opinion Trivia!

In your opinion...

(1)...the starting QB for the Vikings this fall will be...
(2)...the best restaurant is...
(3)...the greatest story in the Bible is...
(4)...the right and wrong way to eat an Oreo cookie is...

(no right or wrong answers...I am just curious as to what you think!)


  1. 1) Assuming we'll even have football this fall I'll go out on a limb say the Vikes make a huge trade and get Carson Palmer.

    2) In St. Cloud I go with Fuji because I love sushi. Cafe Renaissance is also a family favorite of ours for special nights out.

    3) Jesus dying because of my sin and for my sin such that I can have the free gift of eternal life by believing in what he did for me and by asking him into my life as my Savior. For me the whole Bible and all of my faith revolves around this.

    4) I don't eat cookies that contain 50 things I can't pronounce and have no clue as to what they even are. I'd rather spend an hour or two in the kitchen doing it the old fashioned way where I can lick the bowl and eat a bite of the raw dough!!!

  2. 1) Not a clue. Randy Moss (does he still play?)

    2) 20.21 - Wolfgang Puck's restaurant at the top of the Walker Art Center

    3) I am partial to the parable about the mustard seed. I like the story of something so very small ("least of all the seeds"), growing into something so big that birds can nest in it. I think this can relate to so many aspects of our lives and give us hope.

    4) Oreo cookies were a staple in our house when I was pregnant with Gigi - seriously. (Anyone who knows me knows that I otherwise do not buy sweets - ever!) Based on that experience with them, I can tell you that any way is a good way to eat an Oreo!

  3. Thanks for your answers! Here are mine...

    (1) QB (if they are playing) for the Vikes could be Kyle Orton. That is what I am hoping for...a monster trade to get him.

    (2) Best restaurant is Bonefish Grill. I absolutely love their grilled salmon.

    (3) Favorite story in the Bible (aside from teh redemption story of Christ) is the story of Joseph in Genesis. I love how God faithfully worked through Joseph's life in the good and hard times.

    (4) Best way to eat an Oreo...with a good cup of coffee!!! I LOVE eating the cookie after dipping it into my coffee cup. Yes, I am a dunker.....

    Thanks for answering!
