Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday's Brian Teaser

Bible Trivia!

(1) How many days was Lazarus dead before Jesus raised him from the dead?
(2) What Babylonian king needed Daniel to interpret God's handwriting on the wall?
(3) Which disciple said, "Show us the Father and that will be enough for us?"
(4) Jesus spoke many times in parables. Which parable is your favorite and why?

Thanks for playing!


  1. 1. Four Days (John 11:17)
    2. King Balshazzar (Daniel 5)
    3. Philip (John 14:8)
    4. The woman with the lost coin- The reason I like this one is because although it is only three verses, it has so much more meaning to it. Most people read over this and don’t understand why this woman would go to such lengths to find a coin. It seems kind of pointless. But we have to think of what the cultural significance of these 10 coins really mean. Brides would wear a piece of jewelry with 10 coins on it, kind of like a wedding ring in today’s culture. When this woman lost one of her coins, she was probably heart-broken and wanted desperately to find that coin. I’m sure a woman would search desperately if she noticed her diamond fell off her ring. When this woman found the coin, she rejoiced and told her friends about it. When someone is “lost” and they are “found”, there is much rejoicing in heaven. Even if it is over one coin (aka. wretched sinner) God still celebrates when we choose Him above anything else.

  2. Thank you, Matt. You are correct with all of your answers. I especially enjoyed reading your post on the parable of the lost coin. Perhaps you could share that passage in a message at CRU? I would love to hear all about it!!!
