Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday's Brian Teaser

Bible Trivia!

(1) Was Peter married?
(2) How did Elijah get to heaven?
(3) Who was the person that the apostles chose to replace Judas as one of the Twelve? Can you explain the controversy involved with that decision?

Thanks for playing!


  1. 1) Indeed he was. Jesus healed hi mother-in-law in Matthew 8: 14-15.
    2) Trick question Brian. In John 3:13 Jesus clearly says that "no one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from Heaven - the Son of Man". Enoch and Elijah were both taken to 'a heaven", but there are different Hebrew and Greek words for "heaven" as it's used in the Bible. Elijah went up in a whirlwind to "a heaven or a place in the atmosphere", but not the ultimate heaven where God and Jesus reside. No one has ever gone into heaven where God resides but Jesus and Jesus makes that clear in the passage cited. This puts a question mark on last week's question about Enoch and Elijah too. The Bible says no man will enter Heaven without dying first (example is Moses)...
    3)Matthias. The controversy is that Jesus didn't choose him; he was chosen by casting lots after Jesus had died and ascended to heaven. Throughout the entire NT Matthias is never mentioned again.

  2. Jim, you should go for your seminary degree! You are able to catch small nuances in each question. Way to go!

    #1 is correct, #2 is a great answer and deeper than I was expecting, and #3 is correct on point; however, I would have liked a little deeper thought with the apostle Paul as the potential 12 man. You are correct by saying "Jesus didn't choose (Matthias)" and that they cast lots, which was an Old Testament/law practice. Some believe that God had already picked Paul as the 12 apostle and that the 11 apostles acted out incorrectly by casting lots for Matthias.

    In the end, you got the answers, Jim. Thanks for digging deep and blessing us all with wonderful insight!

  3. I'm glad I dug deep and #2 and I never knew that about Paul (#3), but it sure makes sense that Jesus could have already picked him out and that would certainly explain why we never hear again from Matthias. Good stuff Brian!
