Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wednesday's Brian Teaser

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all! I have been away from my computer for a while so I have not been able to post any questions. So, here you go!

Bible Trivia!

(1) Who wrote the book of Acts?
(2) What animal fed Elijah by the river?
(3) What day of creation did God create the sun, moon, and stars? Why would this be an interesting trivia fact in relation to the rest of the days of creation?

Christmas Bonus - How many wise men where there that visited Jesus?

Thanks for playing!


  1. 1) Luke
    2) Ravens fed him by the brook
    3) On the fourth day. Interesting because God made light and darkness (day and night) on the first day. Seemingly the sun would be needed for there to be "day" and the moon and stars for there to be "night" as we know them.
    4) Bonus - Good one Brian. The Magi gave gifts of gold, incense and myrhh, but Matthew 2:1-12 does not say how many Magi actually visited Jesus. Tradition holds that there were three because of the three gifts mentioned but the truth is that nobody knows how many Magi actually went to see Jesus.

  2. Great job, Jim! Excellent answer with the Magi! It was a trick question and you knocked it out of the park!!!
