Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday's Brian Teaser

We leave for Virginia in two days. I have not been faithful to this blog...I plan on picking it up when we get settled in next week.

I still want to offer a question ('cuz it is Wedensday...):

We are moving out to Virginia, and we will begin our next chapter of life with Liberty University. In honor of this transition, today's question is: What is the mission of Liberty University?

Thanks for playing!


  1. Well, Brian, it's been fun answering your teasers these past Wednesday's. The mission of Liberty University, and I quote, is "to develop Christ-centered men and women with the values, knowledge, and skills essential to impact tomorrow’s world. The mission is carried out for resident students through a rigorous academic program and structured social environment. It is carried out for external students in a comparable academic program but without the structure of the resident community."

  2. So, are you really getting prizes Matt to all these correct answers? Cause wow, you must have loads of them if so!
