Thursday, July 8, 2010

Building A Cross

When we moved into our new auditorium, a bunch of fabric was placed in the front of the church that made a fake looking cross. It looked fine, but I knew we could do something better.

I wanted to make a real looking cross for the center of the stage. So, I spoke with my creative arts director and we came up with the idea to put a bunch of twigs together to make a massive cross.

Ryan Monroe, the jack of all trades, went home and cut down a bunch of junk trees in the swamp behind his house in the country. He gathered all kinds of twigs and scrap branches from the ground. He loaded up his trailer with all the wood and brought them to the church.

We put the cross together from all the pieces and then and hoisted the cross up. It really looks great and definitely adds to every worship service.


  1. looks amazing! Nice job all of you!

  2. Ryan Monroe is amazing. Same goes for the guy who preached last Sunday. Well done Brian!
