Monday, February 1, 2010

A+ to the CRU team!

Yesterday, the Campus Crusade team did a phenomenal job in leading the church in worship. They led a variety of songs that had joyful singing and praise, thoughtful meditation and scripture, and meaningful worship and adoration to God.

In addition, here some highlights from Sunday:

1) The tech booth set the table for the worship service. Joe, Jim, Ali, and Isaac did an outstanding job handling the sound, lighting, and computer presentation.

2) The entire team (vocals and band) worshiped as they led. They have a genuine heart for God and this authenticity was evident in their leadership and music.

3) The idea to include scripture in the middle of Fire Fall Down was perfect. Singing "Fire, fall down" over and over again can be confusing to anyone that does not know the song. 2 Chronicles 7:1-3 brought appropriate direction and power to that part of the service.

4) The overall quality (vocals and band) was tremendous. At times, I thought I was hearing a produced recording (once again, props to the sound guy)!

The church was blessed and I look forward to the next time the CRU team leads at Westwood!


  1. Thanks again Brian for letting us lead the people at Westwood in worship. I believe the Holy Spirit moved the church that morning and many people were filled with the presence of God. I am truely blessed to have this musical talent and I can't imaging using it for anything else but to glorify God.

  2. Agreed! Everyone did such an incredible job and I'm excited for them to lead again!
