Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wednesday's Brian Teaser

Superhero questions...

(1)  What type of rock makes Superman useless?
(2)  When not a superhero, Spiderman's human name is...
(3)  In the last 30 years, Batman has been played by four different actors.  Can you name three of them?  (Extra credit if you can name all four)
(4)  True or False...Prayer is more powerful than anything a superhero can do.  Can you think of a good website that would help you pray more?

Thanks for playing!


  1. 1. Kyrptonite
    2. Clark Kent
    3. Michael Keaton, George Clooney, Val Kilmer, and Christian Bale.
    4. True...I've heard that is a great website to help with praying more :)

  2. I especially like #4!!! (Thanks for the plug Brian and Matt!)

  3. are correct with three out of four of them. Question #2 is PETER PARKER. Clark Kent was Superman's human name.

    However, you nailed question #4! So, bonus points for you, Matt! Well done!!!

  4. Ohhh goodness my bad. My eyes were playing tricks on me. I should've known I just watched the Spiderman movies on tv.

  5. Shoebox prayers rocks! Everyday it reminds me to pray. You'd think I could remember on my own, but without the reminder, I know I'd forget more often then naught.
    Oh, and just a side note, Batman has been played by five actors. You forgot the EXTREMELY talented Adam West!
