Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday's Brian Teaser

True or False...

(1)  All bees will die if they sting a person.
(2)  A typical marathon is 26.2 miles. 
(3)  If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, a sound will still be made.
(4)  When driving through a round-a-bout, it is best to start your turn by going LEFT into the round-a-bout. 

Thanks for playing!


  1. 1) False. Bees with smooth stingers (unbarbed)like bumblebees can sting multiple times ss they don't lose the stinger when they sting you.
    2) True. And as I found out last Saturday, 26.2 miles is REALLY far to run!
    3) True. It won't sound like a tree falling because there is no human ear to hear it, but scientists have found that a sound is made and have actually recorded it. It's no different than sounds that are made at ultra high frequnecies that humans can't hear but animals or tiny bugs can. Just because a human ear isn't there or can't hear it doesn't mean that a sound wasn't created.
    4) False. Big time.

  2. Yes! Well done, Jim. And...fantastic job on finishing a marathon. What an accomplishment for you! Frame that medal and bib number!

  3. We'll definitely be framing them - I'm done with my marathon career! Thanks for the kind words my friend...
