Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday's Brian Teaser

(1) In your brain, what is closest to the cerebellum? The occipital lobe or olfactory bulb?
(2) What animal is the mascot for Chick-fil-A?
(3) Who painted the painting on the page?
(4) How many states begin with the letter M?

Good luck!


  1. 1. Occipital lobe
    2. A cow. In 2004 (?), the mascot was changed to the “Eat Mor Chikin” sign-wearing cow from Doodles the chicken who can still be seen as the C in the logo.
    3. Van Gogh (The Bedroom, 1889)
    4. Eight - Montana, Michigan, Mississippi, Massachusetts, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri

  2. Good work, Lisa! I didn't know the additional info on the cow with Chick-fil-A. Very interesting!

    Enjoy the heat!
