Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday Brian Teaser

Music trivia!

(1) Who originally wrote the worship song, Everlasting God?
(2) What instrument has moved ahead of the piano as the main instrument in contemporary churches?
(3) What instrument did David play for Saul?
(4) What instrument did the disciples use after the Passover?

Thanks for playing!


  1. 1) Brenton Brown wrote it.
    2) That's a tough one because I found two answers from different sources. My personal guess is acoustic guitar. I aslo saw digital keyboards mentioned as more popular than a piano too...
    3) The lyre, which was was an ancient form of a harp.
    4) Their voices. According to both Matthew and Mark, after the Passover meal they sang a hymn and then left for the Mount of Olives.

  2. Again, great job, Jim! The acoustic guitar is taking over worship (digital keyboards are often used rhythmically, which is what the guitar naturally does when playing). Question 4 was a little tricky, but you nailed it! Excellent work!

  3. Good questions Brian - keep 'em coming!!! I enjoy your trivia each week...
