Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wednesday's Brian Teaser

DEEP Bible Trivia!

When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, why is He in such agony and pain?

Thanks for digging deep!!!


  1. Jesus was showing his humanity in the Garden as he prayed to the Father for the last time before being beaten, whipped and crucified. Jesus knew the physical, emotional and spiritual pain he was about to endure for taking on the sins of the world, and he also knew he'd be separated (for a short time) from his Father. Yet through all of this, he still prayed at the Garden "let it be your will, not mine". Jesus was in incredible agony and pain as he consciously and deliberately subjugated all of his human desires to his Father's perfect will.

  2. Great job, Jim. You are ready to preach a sermon!
