Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday's Brian Teaser

Fun Trivia...

On average, how many words do men say every day? How about women?

Prize to the winner!


  1. i have ten bucks that you can add the two together and not even touch the words you use daily(as per your cell phone bill/minutes)! :)

  2. I found on one website that women speak 8,805 words on average per day while men only speak 6,073. Don't ask me how they came up with these numbers, but that's my guess.

  3. You are on the right track, Matt. Both numbers are a bit high. Keep guessing!

  4. Hahaha, I love Brianne's comment!! It's true..Brian is always on his phone!

  5. Well I found from another site that women say about 7,000 words in one day while men speak just over 2,000.
